Securing Branded Calling ID

Restoring Trust in Voice Calls

The Problem: 80% of Americans don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Current caller ID authentication methods are fragmented and often insecure.

The Solution: Branded Calling ID (BCID), powered by SecureG’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). BCID is the only industry-led, standards-based solution that provides secure, verifiable caller ID across networks and devices.

The Most Secure Branded Calls

Branded Calling ID™ is the only industry-led, standards-based Rich Call Data (RCD) ecosystem engineered to be secure-by-design and to deliver trusted, branded calls nationwide for enterprise businesses. SecureG is the sole provider of high-assurance PKI for BCID and offers a white-glove call signing service for Originating  Service Providers (OSPs).

Delivering Digital Trust to Voice Calls

Bcid benefits

  • One Stop Shop — an open and interoperable ecosystem for displaying trusted caller information
  • Aligned Financial Incentives — Brands only pay for data that is delivered.
  • Transparent reporting and pricing  — Monthly call delivery reporting.
  • High Performance — Built to handle the call volumes of any enterprise.

Fortified security

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection — SecureG stores its Trust Anchor in a vault inside a bunker under a mountain protected by armed guards.
  • Secure-by-Design — Uses cryptographic signatures to ensure authenticity.
  • Fully Authenticated Ecosystem — Rigorous vetting and validation of businesses within the BCID network.

High-Performance Call Signing for Originating Providers

The SecureG Call Signing service supports BCID and legacy STIR/SHAKEN identities.

  • Ultra-low Latency — ~24 milliseconds of latency against a 50-millisecond benchmark.
  • High Availability — 99.999% uptime, ensuring optimum reliability.
  • White Glove Service — SecureG was formed by the CTIA to implement Public Key Infrastructure to meet the identity needs of 5G networks. Familiarity with BCID policies and practices to implement security requirements and expedite onboarding.

Military-grade Security for Telecommunication Infrastructure

SecureG operates the world’s most secure commercial PKI on behalf of BCID. SecureG stores its most safely guarded cryptographic materials in a vault inside a bunker under a mountain protected by armed guards.

BCID is a trusted ecosystem for caller ID authentication because BCID Authorized Partners are vetted, contracted, and audited against stringent requirements and transparent best practices. SecureG provides BCID high-assurance operations of the CTIA Secure Telephone Identity Certification Authority (CTIA STI-CA) Root, Intermediate CA, and the Certificate Repository to secure brand identity.

Onboarding Agents collect and convey new BCID registrants to approved Vetting Agents, who validate that enterprise callers are who they say they are and have the right to use a display name, logo, and call reason. 

Originating Service Providers (OSPs) utilize BCID information within a SHAKEN PASSporT to send to terminating consumer devices. Signing Agents generate a cryptographic signature on the SHAKEN PASSport, which Terminating Service Providers (TSPs) rely on to know which calls contain vetted display data.

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