About SecureG

about SecureG?

SecureG enables trust in an increasingly connected world. The world’s most secure trust anchor validates that applications, identities, and things on the internet are who they say they are. SecureG’s bespoke Public Key Infrastructure services can be customized to meet the diverse and demanding requirements to secure the integrity of 5G networks, IoT devices, cloud computing, and data provenance.

Certificate Analytics finds foreign and expired digital certificates and detects weak and quantum-unsafe cryptographic algorithms. Branded Calling ID, Sunspec Alliance, and the US Air Force rely on SecureG.


SecureG customizes Public Key Infrastructure solutions for critical infrastructure, 5G networks, IOT security, networks and ecosystems. Our high-assurance Root of Trust, custom PKI and certificate provenance capabilities are essential components of a true Zero Trust architecture.


Soon, billions of cars, phones, servers, cloud containers, 5G network nodes, IoT devices, sensors, and controllers will have native digital identities built in. Organizations will rapidly issue certificates to verify users and machines quickly and easily on the internet. This will protect important products and services that help us live our daily lives.

In the age of AI and deep fakes, PKI will be very important in proving where data came from and who created it. This will protect the truth. Branded Calling IDs and Content Credentials use digital signatures to check if phone calls, images, and videos are real.
These next-generation PKI use cases will drive a fundamental shift in the demands placed on the infrastructure.

SecureG is designed from the ground up to provide customized, high-assurance PKI for provable identities, privacy, and provenance at a massive scale.


SecureG Leadership

Charles Clancy

Chairman of the Board

Damon Kachur


Todd Warble


James Gorman

Chief Information Security Officer

John Jefferies


Thales Accelerate Partner Network

Sunspec Alliance





Authorized Partner ID

SUNSPEC Public Key Infrastructure

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