SecureG Media
NTIA Awards SecureG $6M to Ensure Integrity and Interoperability of Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN)
SecureG announced it has been selected by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to receive a $6M grant from the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund’s second Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Whitehouse Report on Post Quantum Cryptography
Ensuring Critical Infrastructure Security with Quantum-Resistant Cryptography. Federal agencies and critical infrastructure must urgently prepare for the next frontier in cybersecurity: quantum-resistant cryptographic systems (PQC).
Branded Calling ID: Restoring Trust in Voice Calls
The simple act of answering a phone call has become a gamble. With the surge in spam, robocalls, and voice phishing (vishing), consumers are increasingly hesitant to pick up calls from unknown numbers.
Securing the Future: Digital Certificates in 5g Networks
Here we explore the crucial role of digital certificates in securing modern networks and discuss five intriguing points about their applications.
Digital Certificates Enable Branded Caller ID
Unwanted robocalls have made consumers reluctant to answer the telephone, and legitimate enterprises have been struggling…
The Importance of Digital Certificates in IoT Security
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized industries and transformed the way we interact with technology. From smart homes…
The Role of Silicon Root of Trust and PKI in IoT Security
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding, with billions of devices connected to the internet. While this connectivity…
Comparing Silicon Root of Trust and PKI with Other Security Technologies
Security is a critical concern for organizations of all types and sizes. As technology continues to evolve, so too do the security threats that organizations face.
Best Practices for Implementing Silicon Root of Trust and PKI
Silicon Root of Trust (RoT) and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are essential technologies for ensuring the security of devices and networks. When building a public key infrastructure (PKI) technology
Introduction to Silicon Root of Trust and PKI
Silicon Root of Trust (RoT) and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) work together to provide a secure computing environment. The Silicon RoT is a hardware-based security mechanism that ensures the integrity
PKI for Operational Technology Needs a Special Approach
SecureG delivers a customer-specific private PKI system that integrates with Operational Technology (OT) systems, securing the environment by putting identity-based security in every node.
Addressing Customer Demand for OT Security
Industrial customers are demanding security solutions from their Operational Technology (OT) vendors due to the increasing number of security breaches and the risks associated with them.
PKI for Securing OT Environments
Operational Technology (OT) is increasingly interconnected with information technology (IT) systems, expanding the attack surface.
The Risks of Industrial Cybersecurity Threats
Industrial cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly common and can have a significant financial and reputational impact on businesses.
Suspicious SBOM Construction for Secure Software Development
Open-source software has become an integral part of many organizations’ software development processes due to its cost-effectiveness and flexibility.
How SBOM Tools Can Help Mitigate Software Supply Chain Risk
A recent article on The Hill highlights the growing concern over software supply chain risk and the potential solutions available.
Securing the software supply chain for Government
In Biden’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, mandates for the security of the software supply chain were explicitly laid out.
The strengths and weaknesses of kubernetes security
According to a Sentinel One article, “96% of organizations surveyed by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) were either using or evaluating Kubernetes” in 2021.
ZTA & identity management with Kubernetes
In this digital age, organizations are increasingly adopting cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes to manage their infrastructure and applications.
The Kubernetes bandwagon—is it safe to jump on?
Jump on the bandwagon, but watch your step
More chips, more security
While U.S. chip investment may create opportunity, this opportunity must be protected
Drones Gone Wild
The stakes are sky high—how are you protecting your IoT fleet?
Combatting malware in IoT
To combat malware, IoT designers should build a bit more basic security into their devices before releasing them into the wild